Police: Man was naked, with stolen cheese
By Eileen Kelley • EKELLEY@ENQUIRER.COM • June 24, 2010
Ladrão pelado é preso por roubar pedaço de queijo
Pagar mico é comum, mas este ladrão pé frio bateu todos os recordes. O bandido foi preso pelado no banheiro masculino da biblioteca pública de Cincinnatti, nos EUA, com um pedaço de queijo roubado, supostamente de um mercado chamado Silverglade's Cheese & Sausage.
A polícia também encontrou duas facas e alguns DVDs que pertenciam a outra biblioteca.
O ladrão, identificado como Bess, um sem-teto de 52 anos, foi preso e acusado por indecência e esconder armas. Agora o editor do UOL Tabloide pergunta: se ele estava pelado, onde ele escondia uma arma?
*Com informações do Cincinnatti.com
Recommend (10) Print this page ShareThis Font size:AA DOWNTOWN – The police report on Darrell Bess was succinct.
Clothing description: Naked.
Offenses: Public indecency, theft, carrying a concealed weapon.
According to police and court records, Bess, 52, was found unclothed standing at the men’s room sink in the Cincinnati Public Library by police at 5:30 p.m. Wednesday. When they searched Bess’ bag, police said they found a 4-pound chunk of cheese allegedly stolen from Silverglade's Cheese & Sausage In Findlay Market.
He also had two knives and some DVDs that belonged to the Vine Street library branch.
Police arrested him Wednesday on charges of public indecency; carrying a concealed weapon; knowingly trespassing; theft and receiving stolen property. A judge ordered Best to stay away from the library.
Bess, who is homeless, has been arrested numerous times.